Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Fragrant Vietnamese Noodle Soup

Fragrant Vietnamese Noodle Soup
                                                    Contributed by, The Lazy Asian Chef

You guys know I like to keep recipes simple and fresh.  This noodle soup is extremely fragrant, delicate and excellent for your belly.  My husband cooks this a lot during the winter because it’s friendly for all my food intolerances! 

Keep in mind, a lot of the recipes I send you give you leniency to play around with the spices and flavors.  My one wish is that through these recipes, you discover new techniques, spices and flavor combinations.  Maybe you don’t love them all but at least you are adventurous and stepping out of your comfort zone!

Ingredients for Broth

8 qt Water                                                                   

2 Star Anise
3 Cinnamon Sticks
1 tbl Whole Clove
3 Bay Leaves
1 tbl black peppercorns
1 tbl coriander seeds
1 tbl salt
3 garlic cloves
1 yellow onion, halved and charred
2-3 inches ginger, slightly crushed and charred
Meat bones (Beef, Chicken, or Pork - As much as you're willing to spend)
Gluten Free Rice Noodles (cook as is on package!)

Simmer low and slow.  Overnight to wake up to an amazing aroma.

Condiments/Toppings - ***  Remember, all these toppings are to your taste!  Add as much or as little as you would like.  PLAY around and don’t be scared!  Remember the heat of the broth poured over them will wilt and cook them.. that’s okay!
Cilantro -  I may have an addiction to Cilantro.  I take the leaves off the stem (the stems are a bit bitter, the texture is weird AND they give me gas.  What??  Just sayin’)
Sliced Green Onions
White onion
Asian Basil – ( I purchase mine at the local Asian market, it’s so much cheaper!!)
Beansprouts – A TON!  The heat of the soup will slightly cook them.
Siriracha Sauce
Gluten Free Hoisin
Juice of 1 Lime

BONUS FOR THE Adventurer in you!

If you are a meat eating human, you MUST give this a go!  Add ox tail to the broth.  When broth is done, pick the meat from all the bones (the meat you want to eat that is) but leave the oxtail whole.  Put into a different contain and use as you want. 
Heat the meat including the oxtail in your broth when you re heat your soup.  How do you eat ox tail??  Things will get messy but the messier the better!
Take a bit of ox tail meat, wrap some Asian basil around it and dip it in hoisin sauce!  My mouth is watering Now! 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

5 Tips to MAXIMIZE Weight Loss Results. - You're Not Going to Believe This!

5 Off-the-Wall TIPS 
to Maximize Your Weight Loss Results!

v     I WANT YOU TO START seeing results because once you start seeing results you are going to be so much more likely to continue on your program.  You will build more consistency and habits for long term sustainable results. Here are 5 Tips you may not have heard before and that may make you be like, "She said Whaatt?"

      1.  Eat MORE Fats.  Why are people so scared of fats?  It’s not the 80’s any more.  Although I wish it were because we had some sweet hair dos back then.  I remember in High School shoving our face with carbs because we didn’t realize that those carbs turn into sugars. I’m not saying don’t eat carbs because our brain functions on carbs, but do keep carb intake low and up the fats.

We now know that fats are essential into certain processes in the body.  We also know that there are some fats that we need and our body doesn’t produce.  We live in a society that is focused on lower carbohydrate intake but we are still a little afraid of fats.  

If you are satisfied after meal, you feel energized and your joints feel like well-oiled machines, you are more likely to continue your workout routine and crave proper nutrition! 

If you have any of these signs, consider eating more fats:

·       Dry skin
·       Physical performance is not quite right

·       Your joints moan and groan
·       If you are low-carb and feeling a bit ‘off’.
·       Never satisfied after meal

2.      2.   Don’t eat before 10AM and after 7PM.  Does this sound totally crazy to you?  It’s really not.  Intermittent fasting has been show to have major benefit for insulin resistance!  This also gives our bodies more time to be in a resting state and heal.  I know from experience, I’ve never felt more energized, light and mindful as when I follow this rule.  I feel sexy and drop pounds quickly and safely!  Bring it on Skinny Jeans!Try it for one week and see how you feel.  If you get hungry, try drinking some herbal or green tea!

3        3.   Visualize success 1 year PAST your weight loss goal date.  Your brain craves vision and positive thinking.  Think beyond your after picture.  How will obtaining and maintaining your goals change your life for the long run. 

You are working hard to prepare for a vacation that involves a bikini.  So you reach your goal and you are struttin’ your stuff down the white sands that glide into clear water but what’s after that?  Perhaps this goal creates the confidence you need to land that promotion, stand up for yourself and trust your decisions for the rest of your life.  VISUALIZE BIG!

4.        4.  Get out of your head – don’t listen to those voices in your head.  All day long you have voices in your head making you question your efforts so shut them out and let your feet and heart guide you.

5.       5.  Do it for YOURSELF – Do this for the right reasons.  If you charge for your goals for your partner or to show someone that you CAN do it, you won’t maximize your results and sustain them for years to come.  Remember, others are not paying your bills, they are not getting you promotions or creating your wealth so do this for the person that is doing all that.. YOU!
       Keep in mind that if you look for long term success, you must come up with a system for yourself.  (or ask me for help) ;) 
      Just like doctor’s offices, City Management or any successful business has systems and processes that keep the business running smoothly.  This is the same for your health.  You are in the business of redesigning your life and creating long term success.  

      If you are ready to create this system of sustained success for yourself, please connect with me at  I also have a 21 Day Challenge that starts at the end of every month.  I help you plan, organize and finalize your system for success while giving you the support you need to see it through! 

There is a process and system to sustainable results and this system has a formula:


Friday, January 8, 2016

Herbed Chick Pea Snackers

Herbed Chick Pea Snackers

I finally found a way to pack flavor into whole chick peas!  This recipe will knock your socks off!  I love when I hear from you guys that you tried the recipe!  Please, please let me know if you try it, I’m eager to know how you like it! 

I use this recipe as a side dish or even just some little snackers  to have around the house. 


1 Can Chick Peas (Garbanzo Beans) drained and rinsed
2 – 3 tablespoons chopped Parsley
2- 3 Tablespoons chopped cilantro
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
2 tablespoons sliced green onion
3 teaspoons salt
Pepper to taste
1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Lemon (optional)

In a cold pan, add the EVOO and garlic.  Turn heat to medium low.  
Allow garlic to become fragrant and then add Parsley, cilantro, green onion and salt.  Let cook for 2 minutes on medium heat.  Add Chick peas.  Allow to cook until peas are soft and greens are cooked well.  Remove from fire, add to a serving bowl and garnish with cilantro and parsley.  Drizzle Lemon on top if desired.

Please subscribe to my blog for more amazingly healthy recipes even your kiddos will love!  

Monday, January 4, 2016

5 Mistakes That KILL Business Growth
Erika Ervin – Your Fitness Girl  

1.    1.  You are not perfectly clear about what you do.  I learned I was doing this by mistake one day about a year ago.  I asked an extremely inspiring woman if she had ever considered doing what I do.  She responded with, “Well, what is it that you really do?”  I was floored!  A lesson learned the hard way and I’m still picking up the pieces. 
Own up to what you do and tell the world boldly and authentically.  Nobody wants to do business with you if they don’t know what it is you do.  If you are a distributor for a direct marketing company, say it!  If you are in t-shirt sales, sing it from the roof tops. 
I’m not saying to verbally vomit your business on social media or at networking events but  make sure your social media profile descriptions and any bios your have let people know about you and your business.  Also, don’t be afraid to occasionally post on social media!  There is always a way to craft descriptions and social media posts in a way that is authentic and exciting.   We will go over this in detail in my upcoming 30 Day Get It together Challenge! (See below!)

2.      2.  You forget the importance of one – on – one networking.  With the surge in social media, simple conversations with others has become a lost art form.  As a society, we have forgotten to continually sharpen the skill of meaningful conversations. 
Business is about relationships.  Building relationships with depth and soulfulness.  When we are one on one with people it’s easier to break the surface and dig a little deeper.  This is important because you can more quickly decide if the person you are talking to is someone you want to build a mutually beneficial relationship with. 
I treat in person networking as an interview process.  I quickly assess if this person is going to fit in my tribe and become a lifer within my network.  From there I know how much time and effort to put into the relationship.  This creates a more efficient networking system for my business.  Sounds harsh to some but, in the end, I have designed my business around my life.  I created my business to give me more freedom in my personal life so working smart is key to that freedom.

3.      3. You talk and post to whomever will listen.  You are branding yourself to attract a certain type of person.  Chances are that is a person much like yourself.  When I was growing up, my dear Grandparents had a picture on their wall that read,

“You can’t please all the people all the time.
You can’t please some of the people all the time.
But you can please some of the people some of the time.”

I saw this every time I walked past, but at that age I didn’t really think about it.  Now, it’s been the key statement that allows me to break free from the ropes that bind me from showing the world my authentic personality. 

Take a few moments to create a list of the traits that a certain type of person has that you would prefer to work with. Craft all of your posts and content around this! 

 A quick write up of my avatar.  This is only skimming the surface though! We will get into more details in our 30 Day Challenge!

4.      4.  You watch others in your industry TOO MUCH.  It’s a great idea to read and follow others who are successful in your industry but don’t try to imitate them.  If you take ideas from them, make sure you make all content express your individual voice.   
I watch others in the fitness industry all the time but at the end of the day, they aren’t paying my bills.  I found more success in my business and overall happiness in my life when I put my head down, my blinders on, and stayed the course to my goals.  I see and appreciate what they are doing but I have to embrace my grind.  The grind are day to day actions that may not be glamourous but are key actions that drive my business.  (We will identify your key actions that will exponentially increase your productivity in the next 30 Day Get It Together Challenge!  See below!)

5.      You are comparing yourself to others.  This is a KILLER for a rock solid business.  Have you ever looked at someone else and thought, “How is she so far in her business and I’m still here?”  “Gosh, what is her secret?”  “I could never do what she does.”?  I’ll be the first to say, I have! 
For me, this lead to depression, self-loathing and a sharp plummet in confidence.  I had to do a lot of personal development to get me out of this funk.  I was working my business on autopilot.  I did not press the gas to charge forward to create my path. I went from a 6 figure income to almost nothing.   Truth be told, I’m still digging myself out of this one. 
The lesson I’ve learned is that we are all on a path in which we allowed our self to follow.  Unfortunately, some of the self-destructing actions and thoughts are not noticed by us.  We have to dig, read, and learn to really figure out what we are doing right and be aware of opportunities for change.  Stop comparing yourself to other people because you are two very different people.  We all have unique experiences and stories that have created who we are today.  Own that!   

In my upcoming ‘Get It Together’ 30 Day Charge Challenge, we will dig deep into the following qualities for success!
·       Goals Setting vs. Priorities
·       Branding Yourself
·       Email writing
·       Automation
·       Effective scheduling
·       Minimizing and Managing distractions
·       Social media Power content
·       Social media time savers
·       Delegation
·       Deciding to take a Hard Right Turn in Your Business
·       Leveraging time
·       Less work = MORE productivity
·       One-on-One networking
·       Online networking… way beyond just a post
·       Exercise and Nutrition

              This Challenge is for women serious about growing their business.  Women who are
              Ready to make a change but not sure how. If you are ready to learn more,  Apply HERE!!
              I’ll be in touch within 48 hours! 


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Vietnamese Porridge

Healthy Winter Recipes to Brighten Your Spirits.
I’m so excited to share these recipes with you!  As you receive the recipes, keep an open mind.  I believe food should be an experience, a topic of conversation and nourishment for our minds and bodies.  The recipes to follow in this series of emails will have ingredients that you may have never heard of before but I encourage you to allow yourself to experience this with your friends and family. 
Most of the recipes will have options for ingredients because I want you to be the creator of something special and choose what works with you and your lifestyle.  For example, most all recipes can be made vegan if not already.  Keep the methods of preparation the same but play around with the spices and additions! 

Healthy Winter Recipes  - Vietnamese Porridge

Chao Ga – Vietnamese Rice Porridge
I wonder if I had not married a Vietnamese man, would I ever have been introduced to Vietnamese Rice Porridge.   It’s not your fairy tale ‘Goldie lox and the Three Bears’ kind of porridge.  This meal is one of my all-time winter favorites and allows me to get in a plethora of veggies while warming up my belling on a cold day. 
It’s delicious and while rice based, it’s not as many carbs as you may think.  Give it a go and as you create the recipe, think about ways you can change it up to best suit your taste buds! 

Ingredients :  Serves 4 – 6
1/3 Cup Rice:  Long grain, red or brown
5 Cups Liquid: Water, chicken stock or vegetable stock. 
1 Chopped White Onion
2 Fingers of peeled Ginger
2 tsp salt

OPTIONAL: Protein options: Chicken, mushrooms or shrimp

·       Rinse and drain the rice.  Add liquid and rice in large pot and bring to boil over high heat.  Then turn the heat to medium low, partially cover the pan and let the rice bubble for 5 minutes.  This loosens the starch and blends the water and rice.  Stir rice and turn heat as low as possible.  Add onion and ginger and let simmer for about 1 hour. 
·       NOTE:  Add more liquid (at the very beginning) if you want a more soup like porridge.  If you prefer your porridge to be more creamy, look cook longer

Garnish – The Magic!  NOTE:  I use a LOT of veggies but find the combination that works best for you! Add the garnish just before you eat your porridge!
Chopped Green Onion
Minced Ginger (fresh and spicy.  This garnish completes the dish so give it a try!)
Fresh Cilantro
Fresh Bean Sprouts
Splash of Fish Sauce
Siracha Sauce

Braggs amino acid