Hey There!
I’ve recently been working on moving away from the ‘Your Fitness Girl’ brand and into the new ‘Modern Yinster’ brand. (definition below!) Maybe I’m just getting older or maybe it’s that I really understand the importance of combining a slower lifestyle into the go-go lifestyle that I have always led. (maybe it’s both!) Stay with me, I'm going somewhere with this, I promise and you are going to love it!
It’s not that I’m letting all that go, I’m still a ‘doer’ but, I’ve just discovered over the past few years that always focusing on productivity never served me well. I was going nowhere quickly. (Think of yourself sprinting on a treadmill. Your feet are going fast, but you are not going anywhere.)
Then, when I incorporated a slower version of myself the magic happened. I became more focused, adaptable and open to change. When I accepted that, the success in my business, my relationships and as a mother increased effortlessly.
I want you to experience this also. So, I’ve created a new 5 Day program that we do together in a private FB group. I’m calling it, The Glow. It’s 5 Days and to learn how to become a Modern Yinster. I’ll teach you to reduce stress and overwhelm and increase productivity. Watch this quick video for details.
Definition of Modern Yinster: A driven soul that believes productivity level is directly related to stillness and awareness.
If you want to join, it’s a simple as pressing ‘reply’ and letting me know! Click HERE or on the picture for all the deets!
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