Wednesday, January 11, 2017

3 Steps to a Fit Life in 2017

As I look back over the years and the experiences those years gifted me, there is one thing I can tell you that will make you successful on your fit journey and it's this....  

We need to find a way to surround and educate ourselves on the lifestyle every single day. Otherwise, it gets put to the back burner and becomes another task to do tomorrow.  

Here are three things you can do starting TODAY to live the fit lifestyle...

1.  Surround yourself with others who share the same goals.  If you are trying to lean out or workout out more or maybe be more mindful of nutrition, put yourself in front and communicate with others who want the fit life too!

2.  Educate yourself in it.  Stop and take a moment every day to learn something new.  Maybe it's discovering a new food or recipe.  Maybe you are curious as to how others stay fit.  Perhaps you are curious as to a new fad diet.  Just ask me or good ol' Uncle Google about it!  Education keeps you in the loop and motivates you to stay the course!

3.  Feedback.  As hard as this may be, make sure you have someone in your life that can provide CONSTRUCTIVE AND POSITIVE feedback.  It should be one of those people you surround yourself with on a daily basis.  

I don't just want you to be successful with achieving your goals, I want you to sustain them!  These three action points will allow  you do be wildly successful for life! #fithack


P.S. I posted a video on FB about Fad dieting and what I said may surprise you!  Head over there and give me some feedback! 

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