Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Quick and Easy Salad Dressing! It's AMAZING!

A 30 second salad dressing that you can build on and Make unique to your tastes!!

This is what I do when I'm in a rush!  I stay prepared.  I keep fresh greens in the fridge and if I haven't already prepared a salad dressing, I can whip one up in 30 seconds.  This basic technique called emulsification will will become creamy and thick without dairy and extra calories.  Also, it won't seperate and leave you with a big puddle of vinegar at the bottom of your salad!  Here are some basics in making a salad dressing:

Start with an acid:
Lime, Lemon, Orange or any citrus juice.
If you want to add any seasonings, do so before you add your oil!

Use a good quality olive oil and as you wisk, gently pour in your oil.

It will become creamy and thick.

Please share this article on Social Media or with your busy girlfriends.  They will appreciate you have made their life more simple!  Also, keep in mind we are approaching Bikini season and now is the time to begining working on your mid section!  I have a challenge coming up every month and I'd love to talk to you more about it! If you want to know more email me:  erika@yourfitnessgirl !

Don't forget to grab your free clean eating meal play in my 5 Day Get Your Booty Back Challenge!  ------------------------>>>>>


Thursday, February 11, 2016

        A Fitness partnership is personal, I want to let you in on my story...

I remember when I was about 14 years old I was standing naked in front of my full length mirror mounted on the wall.  I was defeated.  I couldn't believe I'd let myself get that 'Fat'.  My family was so active and fit and I was so disappointed at my reflection.

I felt so much rage and anger at myself I punched a hole through the wall next to the mirror and while tears streamed down my face, I retrieved a towel and put it over the mirror.  I vowed to myself that day that I would NEVER again see that number on the scale.  I would never be 104 pounds again.

THIS is the day I remember my weight consuming my life.  I developed unhealthy behaviors that to this day haunt me.  I don't own a scale to date.  I don't have many mirrors in my house and the ones I do have I briskly walk by for fear of getting a glimpse of myself and hating what I see.

My struggle with my weight is still very real but now, I've learned to manage it with whole foods and and exercise.  I've been there.  I'm still there.  But this is why I have devoted my life to helping other women lead healthy, focused and intentional lives.

I began my online coaching business to keep myself healthy while helping others cope and reach their goals. We all have common struggles, but each one of us needs a unique solution.  A healthy lifestyle is a partnership between people that trust and respect each other.  I'm honored that you are a part of my fit family.  Thank you!

Have a wonderful and intentional day!


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